Martin Elsen Martin Elsen

Day trip - blauer AUTOZUG Sylt

Experience Sylt

Travel with the blauen AUTOZUG Sylt to Sylt and on the same day back with one of the Syltferries for only 92.00 €. You can also travel the other way. 

Your ticket ...

  • is only valid on one day
  • is valid for the blauen AUTOZUG Sylt and one of the FRS Syltferries. It is no to- and returnticket
  • Is valid for vehicles in the price category A (car with a length up to 6m, up to 2.70m height and a total weight of 3 tons)
  • You can buy the ticket at the check-in of the blauen AUTOZUG Sylt or at one the FRS Syltferries.
  • Your journey can start either in Niebüll, Westerland, List (Sylt), or Havneby (Rømø) 

Booking details

  • At the ticket office in List or Havneby
  • By telephone at +49 461 - 864-601
  • By Mail to [email protected]