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Review 2023

9th FRS Syltferry Music-Night: "Cruise van Cleef at sea" with Wolfgang Niedecken

This event is a past event. In the future we will offer more events of this special kind. News about the FRS Syltferry Music-Night will be announced on our homepage.

On August 5, 2023 it was finally here: For the 9th time, FRS Syltferry presented a concert of a special kind, which took place in the context of the 60th anniversary of the ferry line between Sylt and Rømø. After the pre-bands Accidental Bird and Grillmaster Flash had already created a great atmosphere in the afternoon, the evening continued with a very special performance. Accompanied by pianist Mike Herting, Wolfgang Niedecken, frontman of the band BAP, embarked on a fascinating "Dylan Journey" together with the guests on board and brought the poetic world of Bob Dylan into the year 2023. With a lot of passion and skill he gave everyone an unforgettable experience - an evening that was well worth it.

Here you can find a few pictures of the "Cruise van Cleef at Sea" 2023. You can also find more photos and videos on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

  • Georg Supanz Wolfgang Niedecken auf der Brücke der Syltexpress.
  • Georg Supanz Wolfgang Niedecken performt auf der 9. FRS Syltfähre Music-Night 2023.
  • Georg Supanz Wolfgang Niedecken auf der Bühne während der 9. FRS Syltfähre Music-Night 2023.
  • Georg Supanz Wolfgang Niedecken an Bord der SyltExpress.

More info on the artists:

Foto von Wolfgang Niedecken

Wolfgang Niedecken

There is certainly no other German musician who is as close to Bob Dylan as Wolfgang Niedecken. For decades, he has been shaping German-language rock music with his band BAP and as a solo musician, repeatedly engaging with the work of Bob Dylan: In 2017, Niedecken embarked on a journey in the footsteps of Bob Dylan on behalf of the TV station ARTE. Crisscrossing the USA, where he spoke with many former companions, photographers, journalists and musicians, who could competently give information about "Bob Dylan`s America" (the working title). His book is about this journey. He writes about cross connections to his own biography and the points of contact with the history of his band BAP, which has now existed for 45 years. Above all, he talks about the great influence Bob Dylan has had and continues to have on his own work as a songwriter. From his road movie-like book, written in a conversational tone, Niedecken reads selected passages and plays the songs in question. One can be curious to see whether the respective stories lead to a Dylan or a BAP song. Sometimes he even switches in the middle of the song, from English to Cologne, because there are his own cover versions of many songs. Pieces like "Songs sinn Dräume", inspired by a sentence in Dylan's autobiography "Chronicles" are also on the set list: "Songs are like dreams you try to make come true. They are like foreign lands that you travel to."

Official Instagram page »

Benjamin Eichler Mann mit Brille im Park

Grillmaster Flash

His civil name is Christian Wesemann, he comes from Bremen-North (which he has never made a secret of to me, quite the opposite) and his jeans frock smells like his music sounds. GRILLMASTER FLASH (you can't choose your stage name, everybody knows that!) has never been too shy to drive kilometers just to play in front of 15 old punks in a porous youth center. He himself is somehow also a kind of porous youth house and this spirit of irrepressible energy, from the sticky floor after the underground concert, stinky stuffy backstage rooms, scribbled with sharpie and full of band stickers - all that is GRILLMASTER FLASH. He is the personified toast with the stadium cup, the eggy 80s rock record on the vintage turntable in the living room of the small-town house, and he is the wistful-sounding, standing chord that you love and can't get enough of. Where others try to create a tribute and homage to their favorite music and then unfortunately end up with only a half-baked persiflage rattling out of the amps, that's exactly where GRILLI has been tanking past everyone for years on a souped-up moped through cleverness and love, showing that emotions and conviction come before skills. He is obviously concerned not only with his relationship to the music itself, but to the whole framework from producing to visual appearance, picking out the most important and wacky moments in the history of rock music over the last hundred years.

Official Instagram Page »

Accidental Bird

Sometimes you just have to kick the door in with a steep thesis: ACCIDENTAL BIRD is perhaps the softest rock band in Germany.

What does that mean? After all, there are hardly any electric guitars, drum rolls and other rock standards in these songs. But nevertheless: The force of these pieces comes from a compositional and content-related condensation, which one can only achieve if one has gone through the whole "career in music" thing once, and at the end has come to the conclusion: Actually, it was about something completely different.

The head and voice behind ACCIDENTAL BIRD is songwriter Stefan Honig, who can already look back on an extensive discography and history as an artist with various projects. But that doesn't matter at all for the time being. Over heavy piano chords, raging horns and synthesizers, he sings huge melodies and lyrics that wonder about humanity. In which it is not about always finding answers, but simply about the realization: we can't understand everything, so why does everyone act like this?!

You could call this cinematic wide-screen indie. Or softcore for the apocalypse. Or (after The Notwist) finally a band that you can put on your record shelf next to Frightened Rabbit or Pinegrove. Or just: Germany's softest rock band, singing in the most beautiful tones about the fact that it might already be too late.

Official instagram page »

Joshua A. Hoffmann Mann im Kostüm